Network Interfacing

Group Exercise February 05

Exercise Description

For this exercise, form a group of 2-3. For next class (Feb 12) to design and develop an interface based on the prompt below.

Your interface should have the ability to
1) write and read/display your files, and
2) read/display other user’s files. Feel free to use the boilerplate or write your own from scratch.

Interface Prompt

Consider the reading you did for today (Laurel’s essay on what a website can be). Her essay primarily focuses on a certain kind of website: one in which the author and architect are the same.

We are building (interfaces, websites?) that participate in a network. They are not isolated. Sections of them are public, other sections are private.

For this interface, respond to how you imagine Laurel’s conclusions transfer to a website where you might be (one of the) architect(s), an author, contributor, and an editor, an urban planner, etc..