Feb 19
Take a moment to review the proposed features you’ve put together and consider the readings of this semester so far.
For those of you who have used are.na take a moment to reflect on the site, its interface, community, and content.
Put together a question or two (or three) that you might have in preparation for today’s conversation.
~ inspo ~
anti-algorithm (catered browsing, decreasing friction) usefulness vs frictionless to make easier vs to allow you to do something you couldn’t do before
what is are.na made of?
core rule: content can exist in a variety of contexts
interface as a wrapper of a datastructure (are.na: graph database)
“emergent behaviour” from some sort of baseline structure - does the database format lend itself to emergence? - does the nomenclature (channel, block, connection) lend itself to a particular use? :naming has a lot of power to produce abstractions, interpretations, etc - are.na: clumsiness as novice or part of the design?
taxonomy: folksonomy: if everyone shares a tag, its meaning gets over-interpreted?